整體學分承認 – 尚須選修科目表
課程 |
中國語言及文學文學副學士 |
尚須選修科目表編號 |
AACLL-01 |
免修學分的最高額為 |
20 |
尚須選修科目 |
(a) 完成 CHIN A360C。 Complete CHIN A360C; (b) 完成 PTH A200C,CHIN A240C 及 CHIN A202C。 Complete PTH A200C, CHIN A240C and CHIN A202C; (c) 在編號AACLL-Appendix 1的整體學分承認科目表的其他高級、中級或基礎程度科目中完成20學分。 Obtain a further 20 credits from any Higher, Middle or Foundation level courses from BCT Course Table AACLL-Appendix 1. [可供修讀的科目見附錄的<整體學分承認科目表>(編號:AACLL-Appendix 1)] [See list of courses at the BCT Course Table (AACLL-Appendix 1) attached] 備註: Note: (1) 兩個或多個科目可以構成不可兼修的科目組合。同一組合內的科目不得同時計算入一項學術資格所需的總學分之內。同學需到以下網頁https://www.hkmu.edu.hk/admissions/distance-learning/excluded-combinations/閱覽最新的不可兼修的科目組合表。 Courses form excluded combinations with other courses. Only one of the courses in an excluded combination can count towards a single OUHK award. Students should refer to the list of excluded combinations at https://www.hkmu.edu.hk/admissions/distance-learning/excluded-combinations/ for the list of courses that form excluded combinations. (2) CHIN A202C 已取代 CHST A202C。學生成功修畢 CHST A202C 會視同完成 CHIN A202C。 CHST A202C has been replaced by CHIN A202C. Students who have successfully completed CHST A202C will be deemed to have satisfied the requirements of CHIN A202C. |
尚須選修學分的數額為 |
60 |
Revised 04/19 (Third revision)