整體學分承認 尚須選修科目表




Associate of Language Studies (English)


Precedent Code



Maximum number of credits exempted




Top-Up Courses



(a)     Obtain 30 credits by completing ENGL E110, ENGL E120, ENGL A202, ENGL E200 and ENGL E210;


(b)    Obtain 30 credits from ENGL E300, ENGL E320, ENGL E372; LANG A330; LANG A331 or LANG A332;


(c)     Obtain 5 credits by completing either IT E150 or IT S123;


(d)    Obtain 5 credits from any Foundation, Middle or Higher level courses offered by the University.



(1)    Courses form excluded combinations with other courses.  Only one of the courses in an excluded combination can count towards a single HKMU award.  Students should refer to the list of excluded combinations at https://www.hkmu.edu.hk/admissions/distance-learning/excluded-combinations/ for the list of courses that form excluded combinations.


(2)    If students have successfully completed IT L150, they are deemed to have satisfied the requirements of IT E150.


(3)    If students have taken IT S123 which is a 10-credit course to satisfy condition (c) above, they are also deemed to have satisfied the 5-credit free choice requirement in condition (d).


(4)    ENGL E100 has been replaced by ENGL E110 and ENGL E120. If students have successfully completed ENGL E100, they are deemed to have satisfied the requirements of ENGL E110 and ENGL E120.


(5)    ENGL E371 has been replaced by ENGL E372. If students have successfully completed ENGL E371, they are deemed to have satisfied the requirements of ENGL E372.


(6)    The programme of Associate of Language Studies (English) has been phased out with effect from 2023 Spring term. The last conferment of the programme will be December 2026.



(a)     修畢 ENGL E110 ENGL E120 ENGL A202 ENGL E200 ENGL E210,取得 30 學分;


(b)    選修ENGL E300 ENGL E320 ENGL E372 LANG A330 LANG A331 LANG A332,取得30 學分;


(c)     選修IT E150 IT S123,取得 5 學分;


(d)    選修本校開設的其他基礎、中級或高級程度科目,取得 5 學分。


(1)    兩個或多個科目可以構成不可兼修的科目組合。同一組合內的科目不得同時計算入一項學術資格所需的總學分之內。同學需到以下網頁https://www.hkmu.edu.hk/admissions/distance-learning/excluded-combinations/ 閱覽最新的不可兼修的科目組合表。


(2)    已修畢 IT L150 的學生,會視同已修畢 IT E150


(3)    IT S123 是一個 10 學分的科目,同學如修讀 IT S123 去符合尚須選修 (c) 項的要求,會被視同已一併符合 (d) 5 學分自選學分的要求。


(4)    ENGL E110 ENGL E120 已取代 ENGL E100 已修畢 ENGL E100 的學生會視同已修畢 ENGL E110 ENGL E120


(5)    ENGL E372 已取代 ENGL E371 已修畢 ENGL E371 的學生會視同已修畢 ENGL E372


(6)    語言研究副學士(英文)課程已於二○二三年春季學期停辦。本校於二○二六年十二月前仍會繼續頒授語言研究副學士(英文)學位。


No. of Top-up Credits required to complete



Revised 03/23 (second revision)