整體學分承認 – 尚須選修科目表
Programme 課程 |
Master of Social Sciences in Liberal Studies 通識研究社會科學碩士 |
Precedent Code 尚須選修科目表編號 |
MLS-01 |
Maximum number of credits exempted 最高學分豁免 |
10 |
Top-Up Courses 尚須選修科目 |
(a) Obtain 5 credits from the course labelled CA (LIBS A821F); (b) Obtain 25 credits from any 5 courses labelled OA, OB or OC, with no more than 10 credits from each of them; and (c) Obtain 20 credits from LIBS A888F or EDU E880* (See courses in BCT Course Table MLS-Appendix 1) * Students are
strongly advised to take LIBS A888F if they intend to study MEDLSE after
graduating from MSScLS. Notes: (1) Courses
form excluded combinations with other courses. Only one of the courses of the
excluded combinations can count towards an OUHK award. Students should refer to the list of Excluded Combinations attached to
BCT Course Table MLS-Appendix 1
for details. Students are also
advised that this list will be updated by the University twice a year in the
Prospectus and that students should refer to the
updated list for information. (2) The
programme of Master of Social Sciences in Liberal Studies will be phased out
with effect from April 2015
semester. The last conferment of the programme of Master of Social Sciences in Liberal
Studies will be December
2020. ************************************************ (a) 修畢 CA 類別的科目 (LIBS
A821F),取得 5 學分; (b) 選修 5 個 OA,OB 或 OC 類別的科目,合共取得 25 學分,但每一類別不能選修超過 10 學分; (c) 選修 LIBS A888F 或 EDU E880,取得 20 學分*。 (可供修讀的科目見整體學分承認科目表 MLS-Appendix 1) * 如學生畢業後打算另外修讀教育碩士(通識教育)課程,大學強烈建議選修 LIBS A888F。 備註: (1) 兩個或多個科目可以構成不可兼修的科目組合。若如是,大學只會將其中一科的學分計算在有關資格所需的總學分之內。詳情請參閱附錄在整體學分承認科目表 MLS-Appendix 1後的<不可兼修的科目組合表>。而不可兼修的科目組合的資料,亦詳載於課程概覽,大學每年均會將資料更新兩次。學員應參閱最新的課程概覽以取得最新的資料。 (2) 通識研究社會科學碩士將於二○一五年四月起停辦。本校於二○二○年十二月前仍繼續頒授通識研究社會科學碩士。 |
No. of Top-up Credits required to complete 需修讀的尚須選修學分 |
50 |
Revised 07/15 (third revision)