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Bachelor of Business Administration in Corporate Administration



Precedent Code




Maximum number of credits exempted



Top-Up Courses



(a)        Obtain any 55 credits from BUS B103, BUS B104, BIS B123, ACT B210, MGT B240, MKT B250, LAW B262, BUS B273, FIN B280, ECON A231 or ECON A232

(b)       Complete MGT B399

(c)        Obtain any 30 credits from ACT B304, ACT B311, ACT B313, LAW B333, LAW B334,  MGT B347, BUS B368, FIN B386, IB B390, CGV B410, CGV B413, ACT B414 or ACT B415



(1)       Courses form excluded combinations with other courses.  Only one of the courses in an excluded combination can count towards a single HKMU award.  Students should refer to the list of excluded combinations at https://www.hkmu.edu.hk/admissions/distance-learning/excluded-combinations/ for the list of courses that form excluded combinations.


(2)        The programmes of Bachelor of Business Administration in Corporate Administration and Bachelor of Business Administration with Honours in Corporate Administration have been phased out with effect from 2021 Spring term. The last conferment of these programmes will be December 2026.


(3)       See BBACA-Appendix 1 for notes on replacement courses and phased out courses.



(a)        ¿ï­×BUS B103¡A BUS B104¡A BIS B123¡A ACT B210¡A MGT B240¡A MKT B250¡A LAW B262¡A BUS B273¡A FIN B280¡A ECON A231 ©Î ECON A232¡A¨ú±o55¾Ç¤À¡C

(b)       ­×²¦ MGT B399¡C

(c)        ¿ï­× ACT B304¡A ACT B311¡A ACT B313¡A LAW B333¡A LAW B334¡AMGT B347¡A BUS B368¡A FIN B386¡A IB B390¡A CGV B410¡A CGV B413¡A ACT B414©ÎACT B415¡A¨ú±o30¾Ç¤À¡C



(1)       ¨â­Ó©Î¦h­Ó¬ì¥Ø¥i¥Hºc¦¨¤£¥i­Ý­×ªº¬ì¥Ø²Õ¦X¡C¦P¤@²Õ¦X¤ºªº¬ì¥Ø¤£±o¦P®É­pºâ¤J¤@¶µ¾Ç³N¸ê®æ©Ò»ÝªºÁ`¾Ç¤À¤§¤º¡C¦P¾Ç»Ý¨ì¥H¤Uºô­¶https://www.hkmu.edu.hk/admissions/distance-learning/excluded-combinations/ ¾\Äý³Ì·sªº¤£¥i­Ý­×ªº¬ì¥Ø²Õ¦Xªí¡C

(2)       ¥ø·~¦æ¬F¾Ç¤u°ÓºÞ²z¾Ç¤h¤Î¥ø·~¦æ¬F¾ÇºaÅA¤u°ÓºÞ²z¾Ç¤h¤w©ó¤G¡³¤G¤@¦~¬K©u¾Ç´Á°±¿ì¡C¥»®Õ©ó¤G¡³¤G¤»¦~¤Q¤G¤ë«e¤´Ä~Äò¹{±Â¥ø·~¦æ¬F¾Ç¤u°ÓºÞ²z¾Ç¤h¤Î¥ø·~¦æ¬F¾ÇºaÅA¤u°ÓºÞ²z¾Ç¤h¾Ç¦ì¡C


(3)       ¨ú¥N¬ì¥Ø¤Î¤w°±¿ì¬ì¥Øªº³Æµù¡A¨£BBACA-Appendix 1¡C


No. of Top-up Credits required to complete



Rev 10/21 (ninth revision)