整體學分承認 – 尚須選修科目表
課程 |
尚須選修科目表編號 |
Maximum number
of credits exempted 最高學分豁免 |
尚須選修科目 |
(a) Obtain any 55
credits from BUS B103, BUS B104, BIS B123, ACT B210, MGT B240, MKT B250, LAW
B262, BUS B273, FIN B280, ECON A231 or ECON A232 (b) Complete MGT B398 (c) Obtain 30 credits
from ACT B313, BUS B368, SCM B370, SCM B371 or SCM B470 Notes: (1) Courses form
excluded combinations with other courses.
Only one of the courses in an excluded combination can count towards a
single HKMU award. Students should
refer to the list of excluded combinations at https://www.hkmu.edu.hk/admissions/distance-learning/excluded-combinations/
for the list of courses that form excluded combinations. (2) The Bachelor of
Business Administration in Logistics and Supply Chain Management programme
has been phased out with effect from 2022 Autumn term. The last conferment of the programme will
be December 2027. (3) With effect from
2022 Spring Term, students are required to take MGT B398 instead of MGT B399
to fulfill the programme requirement of BBALSCM. Student should note that MGT
B398 CANNOT be used to claim exemption from any professional
accounting/corporate governance examination papers. School’s prior approval
is required if students would like to enroll course MGT B399. Students who
have previously completed MGT B399 are deemed to have completed the
requirements for MGT B398. (4) See BBALSCM-Appendix 1 for notes on replacement
courses and phased out courses. ************************************************ (a) 選修 BUS B103, BUS B104, BIS B123, ACT B210, MGT B240, MKT B250, LAW B262, BUS B273, FIN B280, ECON A231 或 ECON A232,取得55學分。 (b) 修畢 MGT B398。 (c) 選修 ACT B313, BUS B368, SCM B370, SCM B371 或 SCM B470,取得30學分。 備註: (1) 兩個或多個科目可以構成不可兼修的科目組合。同一組合內的科目不得同時計算入一項學術資格所需的總學分之內。學生需到以下網頁https://www.hkmu.edu.hk/admissions/distance-learning/excluded-combinations/ 閱覽最新的不可兼修的科目組合表。 (2) 物流及供應鏈管理學工商管理學士已於二○二二年秋季學期起停辦。本校於二○二七年十二月前仍繼續頒授物流及供應鏈管理學工商管理學士學位。 (3) 由2022年春季學期開始,學生必須修讀MGT B398,取代MGT B399,以符合物流及供應鏈管理學工商管理學士的課程要求。學生需注意,MGT B398不能用以豁免任何專業會計或企業管治相關的專業試考卷。學生必須取得學院批准才可申請報讀MGT B399。成功修畢MGT B399的學生,會視同修畢MGT B398。 (4) 取代科目及已停辦科目的備註,見BBALSCM-Appendix 1。 |
No. of Top-up Credits required to complete 需修讀的尚須選修學分 |
Revised 07/22 (tenth