MU BCT Precedent - Searching Result

MU School: Lee Shau Kee School of Business and Administration

The BCT precedents below are made on the condition that the student has followed the normal mode of study of the qualification concerned.

* Cases are for references only and do not serve as precedents

#Please note that the award of a certain amount of block credits does not indicate an automatic reduction by that amount in the number of credits required for the completion of the respective HKMU Programme. The minimum number of credits required for the completion of the Programme will depend on the set of top-up courses prescribed.
MU Program Institution Qualification BCT# Top-up List
Bachelor of Business Administration City University of Hong Kong (CITYU) Higher Certificate in Database (All Years) 40(Ord) - BA07-61(Ord)-
Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting City University of Hong Kong (CITYU) Higher Certificate in Database (All Years) 40(Ord) 40(Hons) BA07-61OAC(Ord) BA20-61A(Hons)
Bachelor of Business Administration in Banking and Finance City University of Hong Kong (CITYU) Higher Certificate in Database (All Years) 40(Ord) 40(Hons) BA07-61OK(Ord) BA07-61K(Hons)
Bachelor of Business Administration in Corporate Administration City University of Hong Kong (CITYU) Higher Certificate in Database (All Years) 40(Ord) 40(Hons) BA07-61OC(Ord) BA07-61C(Hons)
Bachelor of Business Administration in Human Resource Management City University of Hong Kong (CITYU) Higher Certificate in Database (All Years) 40(Ord) 40(Hons) BA07-61OHR(Ord) BA07-61M(Hons)
Bachelor of Business Administration in International Business City University of Hong Kong (CITYU) Higher Certificate in Database (All Years) 40(Ord) 40(Hons) BA07-61OIB(Ord) BA07-61M(Hons)
Bachelor of Business Administration in Logistics and Supply Chain Management City University of Hong Kong (CITYU) Higher Certificate in Database (All Years) 40(Ord) 40(Hons) BA07-61OL(Ord) BA07-61M(Hons)
Bachelor of Business Administration in Management City University of Hong Kong (CITYU) Higher Certificate in Database (All Years) 40(Ord) 40(Hons) BA07-61OM(Ord) BA07-61M(Hons)
Bachelor of Business Administration in Marketing City University of Hong Kong (CITYU) Higher Certificate in Database (All Years) 40(Ord) 40(Hons) BA07-61OMK(Ord) BA07-61M(Hons)

If you cannot find a precedent from the above which matches exactly with your previous qualification, you are advised to go to the 'Browse by MU Schools and Programs' to ascertain if there exists any precedent(s) for your qualification under individual MU programs.